What's that in the background?

I’m not precious about photography or having high-tech kit. Honestly, the best camera is the one you have at the right time. Quite often that will be a smartphone, used in selfie mode, or looking at yourself in a mirror, or held by an obliging friend (and I hope you’ll do the same for them). 

I’ve got one plea! Before you or your friend press the button, think about the background. I cannot count the number of times when a potentially good photo is spoiled by cast-off clothes on the floor, carrier bags strewn about, an unmade bed or a large and imposing radiator.  

And, if you have already pressed the button, look at the picture and see if it could be improved by moving or hiding a few things. Be inventive if it’s an unmovable fixture. A throw over a bed or radiator can soften the background. Even a scrunched-up net curtain can be used to good effect. 

If there is a bright window in the background, you will be in shadows, or about to be blasted by an unflattering flash. Ask the person taking the photograph to move around by 90 degrees so that the window is to the left or right of you. Then your face and outfit will be beautifully lit by natural light.  

Now you can take the photo again. Any better this time? Every photo you take will be part of your memories of who are. Why not make the most of it. 

Happy snapping! 

Sean :-)